Race Preparation

The preparation for competitions is different for each individual, but the same basic struture can be applied to everyone.

The first thing that can be said is making sure that you get to where the competition is in plenty of time. This give you time to check in/register and warmup for your race without being overly stressed, as race day is one of the days where you want stress to be minimised as much as possible! The exact period of time depends on many thing like the closing time for collecting your numbers as well as how long you need to warm up, but a good starting figure is getting there 2 hours beforehand.

In regards to the warm up itself, you want to keep it very much the same as how you would warm up for training. Competition warm ups are not the place to try out any new drills or stretches. The main reason for this is , as stated previously, we want to keep external stress as low as possible.

Mental attitude is also a key thing in the preparation for races. Keeping a positive attitude can be done in varous ways, such as relaxing with a film or reading a book, this depends on how you are as a person.

Finally, believe in your training! You have worked hard in training and this is the time to show it off!

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